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The best masks from free books and Gobookee.net

Events like birthday party or disguised carnival require special clothes and costumes. The best way to complete your image is to place proper mask on face. Even if you don’t have good suit it is enough to cover face with thematic mask and turn to wild animal or pretty stranger. Find the best carnival masks on www.gobookee.net!

Download templates, print out them and cut out shapes of masks. All of them are outlines that need to color. It can be great opportunity to have fun together with kids painting your masks. Choose one you like and start to create new image for celebration or using at home right now! Free books contain templates with exclusive designs. There are inhabitants of zoo and heroes of favorite fairy tales, monsters and lovely princesses. Have a wild time or adventure themed party! Some prefer to use technology of airbrushing right on face. In this case you should search for free e-books with stencils for painting on skin. You can form and curve patterns according to the shape of face. All parts are purposefully shaped to fit nose, cheeks and eyes. Painter can combine the stencils or use them individually due to expected result. Specific contours will help to create custom faces, to reduce design to smaller size and place stencil on half of face only. While studying the free manuals you will see advices to use eye shields to protect the eye if accidental overspray will happen. There are also engraved instructions for application guide included. Some free ebooks are more specific. Along with masks they contain game boards and pieces plus facts about character of mask.

Find amazing Walt Disney’s heroes inside collections dedicated to face mask template printable. To create cute disguise you will need printed out template, scissors, thin cardboard, different colored scrapbook paper, glue stick, paper hole punch, craft knife, pencil, thin black sewing elastic and stapler.

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